Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Shakespeare Love Quotes

Do not tell me, for I've heard it all,
there is too much to do with hate,
but much more to do with love.
William Shakespeare

My heart is ever at your service.
William Shakespeare

Love sees not with the eyes
but with the mind,
therefore is winged cupid painted blind.
William Shakespeare

I love thee, I love but thee;
with a love that shall not die
; till the sun grows cold
and the stars grow old.
William Shakespeare

I'll follow you and make a heaven out of hell,
and I'll die by your hand which I love so well.
William Shakespeare

Love looks not with eyes,
but with the mind.
William Shakespeare

My only love sprung from my only hate.
William Shakespeare

Parting is such bitter sweet sorrow
that I should say good-night
until it be 'morrow.
William Shakespeare

See, how she leans her cheek
upon her hand!
O, that I were a glove upon that hand,
that I might touch that cheek!
William Shakespeare

Love from one side hurts,
but love from two sides heals.
William Shakespeare

When I saw you I fell in love,
and you smiled because you knew.
William Shakespeare

Did my heart love 'til now?
Foreswear its sight--for I never saw true beauty 'til this night.
William Shakespeare

Love is the most beautiful of dreams
and the worst of nightmares.
William Shakespeare

O Romeo, Romeo,
Wherefore art thou Romeo?
William Shakespeare

What's in a name?
That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
William Shakespeare

Love sought is good,
but given unsought is better.
William Shakespeare

The course of true love never did run smooth.
William Shakespeare

So dear I love him that with him,
all deaths I could endure.
Without him, live no life.
William Shakespeare

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